ADA is delighted to announce an excellent line-up of speakers and presentations for this year’s FLOODEX UK event at the Peterborough Arena on 17th and 18th May.
Covering both days, the series of half-hours sessions will be an opportunity for attendees to FLOODEX to find out about current topics covering strategy and technology for the drainage, water level and flood risk management industry. As we did last year, the sessions will be easy to drop into and, for those of you attending, will count towards your continual professional development goals.
Here is the latest update on our speakers and their presentations;
- Partnerships: “Moving towards a Partnership Approach to Catchment Management” – David Sisson, Engineer to Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board and Greg Smith, Project Manager, Environment Agency
- Innovation: “Connecting and Funding for Innovation” – Jonathan Abra, Knowledge Transfer Manager, Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN)
- Policy: “Meeting the challenge together – future flood risk management in England” – Sarah Hendry, Director, Floods & Water, Defra
- Construction: “Trust me, I’m a Contractor” – Richard Neall, Chief Executive, One Group Construction
- Insurance: Gary McInally, Chief Actuary, Flood Re
- Water Resources: Steve Moncaster, Project Manager, Water Resources East and Anglian Water
- SuDS: “Latest developments with permeable paving on developments” – Bob Bray, Founder, Robert Bray Associates
- Soil: “Soil management to improve infiltration and reduce flooding” – David Gardner, Chief Executive, Royal Agricultural Society of England
- Water Quality: Pete Fox, Director Land & Water, Environment Agency
- Resilience: “Property Flood Resilience – a new Code of Practice” – Alastair Moseley, Managing Director, H2O WEM Ltd
- Land Management: “The role of the landowner in water management” – Ross Murray, President, Country, Land & Business Association (CLA)
- Property: “What is it like to flood? How to factor in residual risk at property level” – Mary Dhonau, Mary Dhonau Associates (MDA)
- Farming: “Brexit: A new era to find water management solutions” – Minette Batters, Deputy President, National Farmers’ Union (NFU)