Rationalising the Main River Network: De-maining Pilot Project Consultations

Rationalising the Main River Network: De-maining Pilot Project Consultations

As part of the Rationalising the Main River (RMRN) de-maining pilot project, the Environment Agency has proposed to transfer flood risk management activities on the following sections of river and assets from the Environment Agency to the internal drainage boards (IDBs), lead local flood authorities (LLFAs) and district councils listed below.

  • Suffolk Rivers, Suffolk – 3 stretches of low risk watercourse (approximately 22.4 km) are proposed for de-maining to East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board and Suffolk County Council working with Suffolk Coastal District Council and Waveney District Council.
  • South Forty Foot Catchment, South Lincolnshire – 5 stretches of low risk watercourse, all tributaries of South Forty Foot Drain (approximately 16.8 km) are proposed for de-maining to Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board.
  • Stour Marshes, East Kent – 10 stretches of low risk watercourse across Stour Marshes, (approximately 36.5km) are proposed for de-maining to the River Stour (Kent) Internal Drainage Board.

The transfer would result in these stretches of river being removed from the statutory main river map. They will be re-designated as ordinary watercourses, with flood risk management activities passing to the relevant internal drainage boards or lead local flood authorities/district councils listed above.

ADA supports the RMRN process and finding ways of delivering better, more cost effective and more joined up delivery of water level and flood risk management. We have been working closely with the Environment Agency, internal drainage boards and local authorities involved in these pilot projects to help ensure that these objectives are achieved as a result of these changes.


Public Consultation

Throughout October 2017 public drop-in events were held in each location to discuss and get feedback on these proposals. The proposals have been revised and updated and these three pilot projects are now at a point where they can be publicly consulted on, prior to any transfer (de-maining) occurring.

The consultation documents, including interactive maps showing the proposed changes can be found via: https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/fcrm/de-maining-pilot-project-consultation/.

The consultation opened on Monday 15 January and runs until midday on Monday 12 February 2018.