Defra commissions Surface Water Drainage Review

Defra commissions Surface Water Drainage Review

David Jenkins, the Chair of the Wessex RFCC, has been asked by Defra to undertake a review into the arrangements for determining responsibility for surface water and drainage assets. The Review will include looking at the existing legal mechanisms, guidance and dispute resolution arrangements, with a view to make recommendations to strengthen their efficiency and effectiveness.

Read the Review’s terms of reference

David is being supported in this review by officers of Hampshire County Council (, who have been commissioned by Defra for this purpose. David has requested ADA members’ perspectives on the current arrangements on surface water drainage. As well as any thoughts and experience that they have had on what currently works well and what does not, and on any changes that would benefit better surface water management.

ADA will be bringing together a unified response on behalf of our member authorities. We would welcome members’ comments and feedback by Monday 25 November so that we can pull this together and respond to the Review team. Please email any comments to: