Flood & Coast Conference – Free Tickets for IDBs and Local Authorities

Flood & Coast Conference – Free Tickets for IDBs and Local Authorities

After specific request from Local Authority and ADA representatives on the Flood & Coast Advisory Group, ADA is delighted to be able to announce that there a limited number of free tickets available for Internal Drainage Board and Local Authority members of ADA to attend Flood & Coast 2023.

To obtain your free ticket on a first-come-first-served basis, please apply the following discount code when you register to attend the Flood & Coast conference: 100LocalAuthoritiesFC23

Please also only register for the exact number of days that you would like to attend and when you apply the discount code at the point of payment, it will show the balance as “0.00”.

it is strongly recommend that you register by the end of March so that the organisers get a good sense of numbers and whether they might want to close the offer, or run a campaign with us to attract more attendance.

When applying for your free ticket, please use a business e-mail address – either local authority or IDB

ADA will be present at the event with a stand and please do take every advantage of this generous offer which ADA has secured for their members.

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