ADA responds to strengthening standards and conduct in local authorities

ADA responds to strengthening standards and conduct in local authorities


Consultation Strengthening the standards and conduct framework for local authorities in England
Closed 26 February 2025
Summary This consultation sought views on Government proposals to introduce measures to strengthen the standards and conduct regime for local authorities in England and to ensure consistency of approach amongst councils investigating serious breaches of their member codes of conduct, including the introduction of the power of suspension.

ADA’s response to the specific proposals highlighted support for:

  • the introduction of a mandatory minimum code of conduct for local authorities in England, and its application to internal drainage boards in England. ADA already publishes a model code of conduct in line with the Nolan Principles as guidance for IDBs, and would welcome engagement with Defra to update this further in the future.
  • the introduction of the power for all local authorities (including internal drainage board) to suspend councillors, board members or mayors found in serious breach of their code of conduct and, as appropriate, interim suspension for the most serious and complex cases that may involve police investigations. Incidents of potential breaches of IDB codes of conduct, whilst infrequent, do raise concerns amongst IDBs given the current limited powers of censure. These present both practical governance concerns for IDB board members and senior officers for an IDB affected as well as reputational risks to the IDB.
  • a new category of disqualification for gross misconduct and those subject to a sanction of suspension more than once in a 5-year period
  • procedures for IDBs to maintain standards and investigate code of conduct complaints, commensurate with those proposed for standards committees for other local poublic authorities

ADA has also written to MHCLG and Defra expressing our wish to work closely with the government on strengthening the standards and conduct framework for internal drainage boards in England.

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