Committees & Forums

ADA has two committees who each meet three times a year to discuss issues and topics affecting our members and the running of ADA.

ADA also has two forums to promote open discussion amongst members on technical and engineering, and environmental matters. Each Forum may recommend actions and outcomes to the ADA Policy Committee.

You can find out more about the work of these committees and forums via the links below, including their membership and minutes. To request Committee papers please contact us.

ADA Committees Guide | ADA_Expense_claim_form

Guides ADA’s Board of Director on the management and finances of the association as a corporation and membership body.

Guides ADA on all matters related to flood and water level management policy and delivery, and the work of our members.

Open to officers with responsibility for environmental matters from internal drainage boards that are members of ADA.

Open to officers with responsibility for technical and engineering matters from internal drainage boards that are members of ADA.

Former Committees