European Union of Water Management Associations (EUWMA)

Exchanging ideas

ADA is a member of EUWMA, which represents public, local and regional water management organisations from across Europe. Through EUWMA we share ideas and thinking about flood risk management, land drainage, water level management and irrigation with other national bodies and the European Union.

ADA is a founding member of the European Union of Water Management Associations (EUWMA), established in 1996. At present, organisations from Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom are members of EUWMA. Each year, EUWMA members meet to discuss legislation, regional and local water management issues within Europe.

EUWMA’s members represents over 8,600 individual organisations in total, who manage water levels across more than 50 million hectares. These low lying areas of Europe have much in common, being under threat from tidal and inland flooding and dependent upon land drainage to sustain land use and communities. Equally, these areas very often have a high environmental interest, which in many cases has been created by drainage works, and require continued careful water level management to sustain them.

To this extent organisations across Europe are tackling the same problems and considering the same issues. In view of this, liaison between EUWMA’s members is beneficial to their constituent organisations and the countries within which they operate.

You can find out more about EUWMA’s work and members by visiting

Click to view the commemorative booklet online

Celebrating 25 Years

EUWMA recently celebrated its 25th anniversary since its formation in 1996. To recognise the occasion ADA created a special commemorative booklet.

View the commemorative booklet online